We are interviewing Cut Copy today at the House of Blues, you can listen to it next week on High Fidelity! And don't forget to listen to our interview with The Knux! Next sunday from 6-8.
As many of you know, we'll be interviewing the Knux when they come to BU Central on Friday. Here is their new video that debuted on MTV today. width="512" height="319" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" flashVars="configParams=vid%3D355822%26uri%3Dmgid%3Auma%3Avideo%3Amtv.co m%3A355822%26startUri={startUri}" allowFullScreen="true" allowScriptAccess="always" base=".">
So tomorrow is an important day. The NCAA Tournament begins at noon and ushers in weeks of little productivity as we watch games and root for schools like North Dakota State and Western Kentucky. In honor of this month the blog "We Listen For You" created a bracket of bands in its own tournament. Apparently they did this last year (Radiohead won!) and it seems cool. Here is the link, so if you feel like you need a break from deciding your 5-12 upset this is a good time waster.
Also, here are two great videos:
Ok. Make sure to listen to the show on Sunday. I will have a megapost of old shows on Sunday night as well.
March 4, 2013
02:00PM - The Blasters - So Long Baby Goodbye
02:01PM - The Boomtown Rats - She's So Modern
02:04PM - The Buzzcocks - Stars
02:07PM - The Dandy Warhols -...
NOLA Fest @ Bard
What could be better than 8 straight hours of music for a good cause? What
if those 8 hours included electric performances from Aviator and
InfinitiRock? T...
Well here it is folks, summer 2010. Actually was enjoying a relaxing few
weeks at home, but I am back in DC now, so I figured I would come with my
summer p...
Upcoming Boston Concerts!
Suffering from PSD (post-summer-disorder)? Here is a list of upcoming
concerts around school to make the end of summer a little more tolerable.
Stay tuned ...